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宣传片解说词 1931 分享

The history of the development of science and technology is the history of human progress, it is also the history of a country’s rise and advancement.

Let the dream of science fly high

In the long history of human civilization, the development of science and technology, like a torch passed on from generation to generation, has been illuminating the road of humankind’s advancement and development. When the world entered the year 1988, a glorious chapter was added to the splendid annals of China’s science education——China Science and Technology Museum, shouldering the task of implementing the strategy of revitalizing China through science and education and bearing the great hope of promoting the scientific and cultural literacy of the entire nation——emerged as the times demanded! 
With the advancing footsteps of the times, China Science and Technology Museum embarked on the road of continuous development and expansion. Its growth embodies the great care and expectations of several generations of Chinese leadership.

Thanks to decades of construction and development, China Science and Technology Museum, starting from scratch to the first phase construction and then the second phase construction, has always regarded serving the general public as its own duty; it has also been serving as an important window vividly displaying the scientific, technological, cultural and social development of China.

Inside the museum’s Permanent Exhibition Gallery, following the footprints of the development of science and technology in ancient China and bathing in the rays of basic science, frontier science and the development of science in the future, a great variety of lively and dynamic exhibits combine to unfold the most beautiful scroll of painting, welcoming visitors and friends from all corners of the earth.

As one of the largest of its kind in the world, the museum’s Astrovision Theater is equipped with such state-of-the-art Omnimax film technologies as 70mm films, six-way audio system, circular stereo sound tracks and fish-eye lens projectors. Thanks to such advanced film technologies, the pictures projected on the gigantic domed screen help bring the audience into one dreamy and mysterious world after another.

Since its opening in 1988 and by means of short-term exhibitions, China Science and Technology Museum has constantly committed to presenting to visitors the latest developments in science and technology, influential science figures and topics of general interest etc. in a creative and innovative manner.

Through myriad colorful science programs, the museum has gradually developed its unitary and often simplistic exhibition function into a popular science education mode that combines exhibition-based education, training-based education and experiment-based education into an entirety, forming a bridge of communication between science and society, as well as between science workers and the general public.

Over the past years, China Science and Technology Museum has established long term and mutually beneficial cooperative relations with world-renowned enterprises and corporations ,Conduct different thematic exhibition zones. such as Intel, Volkswagon and BMW in order to mobilize social forces for the development of and outstanding popular science educations in line with the characteristics of science and technology museums. In the course of the museum’s construction and development, a hardworking and committed contingent of exhibit researchers and developers has been fostered. Meanwhile, by integrating popular science exhibition and exhibit resources, organizing professional training programs and promoting exchanges and cooperation, China Science and Technology Museum is dedicated to expediting the overall flourish and development of science and technology museums in the country.

Hard work will always be dully rewarded. Due to its outstanding contributions in the area of popular science education over the past decades, China Science and Technology Museum has been consecutively awarded such honor titles as “National Advanced Institution for Popular Science Education”; it has also been designated as “National Science Education Base for Teenagers” and “National First Class Museum”.

Year in and year out, and having weathered out the elements and experienced various vicissitudes, China Science and Technology Museum, like an exotic flower in the field of popular science education, is now in full bloom and becomes more beautiful than ever before. Looking into the distance, a towering tree——the new complex of China Science and Technology Museum——has risen steeply from the ground to reach to the sky.

Situated in the Common Domain of the National Olympic Park and with a construction scale of 102,000 square meters, the new complex of China Science and Technology Museum, in the shape of a huge Lu Ban lock, is a perfect combination of the ancient Chinese philosophy of science and the characteristics of a modern science and technology museum. When completed, it is set to become a domestically leading and internationally top-notch large scale and comprehensive institution dedicated to the popularization of science and technology. 



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